Practical Law Launches Legal Know-How Podcast
Attorneys can now take a “walk down the hall” anytime to obtain legal know-how from experts who are part of Practical Law’s team of over 200 attorney editors. Thomson Reuters Practical Law has launched a new podcast called “Down the Hall with Practical Law.”
Some of the initial topics to be covered on “Down the Hall with Practical Law” include: understanding the legal landscape of privacy and data security, featuring Mel Gates, senior legal editor, Privacy and Data Security at Practical Law; avoiding frequent mistakes startups make, featuring Joe Green, senior legal editor and principal member of the Practical Law Startup Resource Group; and employment handbook hot topics, featuring Kate Bally, director of Practical Law’s Labor & Employment Service. Special guests from outside of Practical Law will also be featured in upcoming episodes.
Podcast episodes will be released monthly. The podcast can also be found on iTunes.