Podcast: Sharon Sayles Belton and ABA TIPs Liberty Award winner Steven Shapiro

Just in time for the American Bar Association’s (ABA) Annual Meeting in San Francisco later this week, Sharon Sayles Belton, vice president of Community Affairs at Thomson Reuters, chatted with this year’s ABA Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section (TIPs) Liberty Award recipient, Steven Shapiro. The award, sponsored by Thomson Reuters, will be presented to Shapiro by Sayles Belton during the TIPS Welcome, Pursuit of Justice and Liberty Achievement Awards Reception on Friday, Aug. 9 at the law offices of Sedgwick LLP.
As the legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, Shapiro directs a large staff of lawyers who deal with a broad range of issues, including free speech, racial justice, religious freedom, due process rights, privacy rights, reproductive and women’s right, immigrant’s rights, LGBT rights, voting freedoms and prisoner’s rights. He has appeared as counsel or co-counsel on more than 200 ACLU briefs submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court, and he is a leader in promoting diversity within the legal profession. Shapiro is also an adjunct professor of constitutional law at Columbia Law School and a frequent speaker and writer on civil liberties issues.
The TIPS award was created in 2008 to honor lawyers and judges who demonstrate leadership by actively promoted diversity in the legal profession.
To listen to the podcast interview with Sharon Sayles Belton and Steven Shapiro, click the play button below. Also, watch for coverage of the Awards Reception and other ABA Annual Meeting events later in the week on Legal Current.