Social media and the law – Podcast: January 2011
Steve Martin’s recent Tweets on jury duty, and interviews author John Browning (The Lawyer’s Guide to Social Networking) in the first of a three-part series on the impact of social media on the law.
Also in the episode, we preview the LegalTech New York Conference with an interview of keynote speaker Michael Rogers, MSNBC’s Practical Futurist.
We’ve got those interviews, plus our regular segments including “Chaos in the Court.”
You can listen to the episode now by clicking the Play button on the built-in player below or listen later.
We’re also on iTunes (just enter Legal Current in the search box).

Send us a comment or suggestion for topics or interviews, that may end up in future episodes. Just leave a comment to this blog post or send an e-mail with your text or audio comment to You also can talk with us on Twitter, we are @legalcurrent.
Show notes for Jan. 28, 2011:
0:00-0:40 Open
1:20-9:30 Interview/John Browning: Social Media & the Law
9:30-10:40 “On the Blawgs”
10:40-11:30 “Chaos in the Court”
11:30-16:00 LegalTech New York Preview
Interview/Michael Rogers, futurist: The Future of Law Technology
16:00-17:00 “Headnote History”
17:00-17:30 Closing