Panoramic, a Bold New Vision: ILTACON 2019
At ILTACON 2019 in Orlando next week, the focus will be on legal operation strategies for today’s transforming legal industry. Today we share a preview of A Bold New Vision for the Way Lawyers Work, one of six panels Thomson Reuters will be involved in at ILTACON.
Jill Schornack, Thomson Reuters senior director of Product Management, and Nate Baker, Thomson Reuters global account executive for Panoramic, will present the session on Tuesday, Aug. 20 to highlight how the legal workflow solution Panoramic is changing the legal market.
Launched in February, Panoramic is built on the strong foundation of Practical Law’s legal guidance and 3E’s market-leading financial management system to connect the front and back office of a law firm like never before. Schornack and Baker will share how the cloud-based system is helping users connect the practice and business of law, enabling them to better plan, manage and execute legal matters.
Their session will offer an overview of Panoramic: how it was designed, how it works, industry pain-points it is intended to address, and who it will most benefit in the firm. They will also provide a real-time demonstration, including a deep-dive look at dynamic Matter Maps resources; budget and work-plan building; customization; and integration with both firm and Thomson Reuters resources such as Practical Law, 3E and iManage.
“Our aim is for attendees to leave not only understanding what Panoramic is, but how it can help them collaborate, manage their work and complete complex assignments more efficiently,” Baker explained.
Join Thomson Reuters at ILTACON to learn more about how Panoramic is helping firms to price more predictably and deliver their best work faster.