A lot of attention has been paid lately to lateral hiring and associate compensation, but changes are also taking place in law firm staffing. Thomson Reuters Institute recently completed its annual analysis on law firm staffing ratios. Today, we’ll talk about what the new trends are with Isaac Brooks, senior industry data analyst, and Natalie …
Information and commentary on the business and practice of law at Thomson Reuters.
Thomson Reuters Introduces Westlaw Precision: 10 Key Takeaways
Thomson Reuters today introduced Westlaw Precision, designed to dramatically improve research speed and quality by enabling legal professionals to target precisely what they are looking for. In addition to precise searching, the new version of Westlaw offers five new capabilities including expanded KeyCite functionality and optimized workflow tools. Legal Current highlights 10 takeaways on Westlaw …
- September 14, 2022
- Carrie Brooker
Australian Law Firms Continue to Grow and Outperform Global Counterparts
Despite challenging conditions, Australian law firms continue to grow and outperform their global counterparts. These are among the findings of the 2022 Australia: State of the Legal Market Report, released today by the Thomson Reuters Institute. The report found Australian law firms performed so well in fiscal year (FY) 2022 that the market may serve …
- August 29, 2022
- Carrie Brooker
ILTACON 2022: How Sophisticated Sellers of Legal Services are Normalizing Alternative Pricing Models
A highlight of Day One of ILTACON included the Becoming a Sophisticated Seller of Legal Services – Normalizing Alternative Pricing Models panel with Bill Josten, senior manager, Enterprise Content – Legal, Thomson Reuters Institute. He was joined by Kofi Mundy-Castel, solution specialist & product owner, Fulcrum GT; Sharon Scenna, senior solutions management director, Intapp; and …
- August 26, 2022
- Carrie Brooker
ILTACON 2022: What Legal Professionals Need to Know About Blockchains
A highlight of Day One of ILTACON included the session Blockchain – Are You Prepared for DeFi, NFTs, and DAOs? with Joe Raczynski, manager, Technical Innovation Services. The session provided a blockchain overview and explored cryptocurrencies, smart contracts, decentralized finance, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). Legal Current had the opportunity to talk with Raczynski after his …
- August 23, 2022
- Carrie Brooker
Thomson Reuters Celebrates 150 Years: Three Essentials for Customer Partnership and Innovation
As Thomson Reuters commemorates a century and a half of partnering with and innovating for legal professionals, Legal Current explores the legacy John B. West bestowed on the company. When John B. West Publisher and Book Seller was founded in 1872, it marked the first iteration of what later become West Publishing Company, and eventually, …
- August 22, 2022
- Carrie Brooker
Thomson Reuters Celebrates 150 Years: 10 Recent Innovation Milestones
Thomson Reuters is marking a century and a half of customer partnership and innovation since the founding of John B. West Publisher and Book Seller in 1872. After revisiting the company’s innovation milestones from 1872 to 1998, today Legal Current features innovative highlights from 2000 to the present. 2000 – Westlaw UK launch marks globalization of …
- August 19, 2022
- Carrie Brooker
Thomson Reuters Celebrates 150 Years: 10 Early Innovation Milestones
As Thomson Reuters commemorates 150 years of customer partnership and innovation – since John B. West Publisher and Book Seller was founded in 1872 – Legal Current looks back at key moments in company history. Today Legal Current shares 10 innovation milestones from 1872 to 1998; watch tomorrow for highlights from 2000 to today. 1872 – …
- August 18, 2022
- Carrie Brooker
Thomson Reuters Celebrates 150 Years of Customer Partnership and Innovation
It has been 150 years since John B. West Publisher and Book Seller was founded in St. Paul, Minn. – creating the first iteration of what later become West Publishing Company, and eventually, Thomson Reuters. Now, Thomson Reuters is honoring West’s spirit of innovation and customer collaboration, which lives on in the AI-driven products and …
- August 17, 2022
- Carrie Brooker
ILTACON 2022: Join Thomson Reuters for Successful Strategies for Transforming the Legal Industry
ILTACON – the International Legal Technology Association’s annual conference – kicks off on Aug. 21, and Thomson Reuters will join industry experts and the legal community in National Harbor, Md., for peer-driven programs, educational content, and networking activities. The conference is an opportunity for attendees to collaborate on successful legal operation strategies for today’s transforming …
- August 15, 2022
- Carrie Brooker