ILTACON 2022: Join Thomson Reuters for Successful Strategies for Transforming the Legal Industry

ILTACON – the International Legal Technology Association’s annual conference – kicks off on Aug. 21, and Thomson Reuters will join industry experts and the legal community in National Harbor, Md., for peer-driven programs, educational content, and networking activities. The conference is an opportunity for attendees to collaborate on successful legal operation strategies for today’s transforming legal industry.
Below are the Thomson Reuters presenters who will share their perspectives throughout the week. All times are Eastern.
Aug. 22:
- Thomson Reuters Company Update with Rawia Ashraf, vice president, Product Management, from 10:45-11:30 a.m.
- Becoming a Sophisticated Seller of Legal Services – Normalizing Alternative Pricing Models (Session 1590) with Bill Josten, senior manager, Enterprise Content – Legal, Thomson Reuters Institute, from 2:30-3:30 p.m. He will be joined by panelists Kofi Mundi Castel, solution specialist & product owner, Fulcrum GT; Sharon Scenna, senior solutions management director, Intapp; and Bernardo van der Laat, managing director, PredictaBill.
- Blockchain – Are You Prepared for Defi, NFTs, and DAOs? (Session 1642) with Joe Raczynski, manager, Technical Innovation Services, from 2:30-3:30 p.m.
Aug. 23:
- Data Matters: Using Technology to Drive Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (Session 1669) moderated by Natalie Runyon, director, ESG Content and Advisory Services, Thomson Reuters Institute, from 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. She will be joined by panelists Yolanda Hawkins-Bautista, associate general counsel, Litigation, Freddie Mac; Omar Sweiss, founder and CEO, JusticeBid; Juliet Aiken, chief science officer at Thine and head of Consulting at Conducere; and Kim Hulsey, chief diversity & inclusion officer, Locke Lord.
Aug. 25:
- Avoiding “The Great Resignation:” Creating a Culture of Retention and Productivity (Session 1670) with Nita Cumello, global client director and director of Well-Being, Global Large Law, from 2:00-3:30 p.m. She will be joined by panelists Chris Boyd, chief operating officer, Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati; Andrew Kent, COO, Page One, LLC; Kalina Leopold, senior manager, Customer Success & Growth, Lupl; Rebecca Morrison, author.
Watch Legal Current and follow @LegalCurrent for updates during ILTACON 2022. We look forward to connecting with ILTACON-ites next week!