Nov. 19 Webinar: Understanding and Undoing the Limited Scope of Leadership
The Thomson Reuters Transforming Women’s Leadership in the Law (TWLL) program and University of Pennsylvania’s Carey Law School are hosting a three-part webinar series on advancing equity in leadership, exploring new research around allyship and inclusivity. On Nov. 19, the final session in the series, Revising the Playbook: Understanding (and Undoing) the Limited Scope of Leadership, will explore the perceptions and definitions around leadership traits and qualities.
Panelists will discuss the biases they see around leadership traits and how these narrowed definitions have shaped employment growth opportunities for some as opposed to all. They will offer meaningful solutions toward advancing career and leadership opportunities for underrepresented individuals in the workplace.
Axel Threlfall, editor at large for Reuters, will moderate the discussion. Panelists include:
- Daniel Danso, global diversity manager, Linklaters LLP
- Paula Edgar, partner, Inclusion Strategy Solutions LLC
- David Hornik, general partner, August Capital
- Mitchell Zuklie, chairman and CEO, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Rangita de Silva de Alwis, associate dean for international affairs at Penn Law, will provide opening remarks, and closing remarks will come from Natalie Runyon, director of Enterprise Content, Talent, Inclusion & Culture for Thomson Reuters.
Register for the Nov. 19 webinar, which is scheduled from noon to 1:15 p.m. EDT.
The webinar series explores findings from Allyship: Upstander vs. Bystander, a study conducted by Penn Law and Thomson Reuters on how emerging male leaders in law and business, specifically law students, approach being allies to women, especially women of color. The series began Sept. 15 with a keynote and panel discussion, A New Era of Equality: Redefining Leadership through a Lens of Allyship, and the second webinar, Setting C-Suites for Sea Change, was held Oct. 20.
For more insights, download the latest TWLL annual report. Also, listen to a recent podcast with Lucinda Case, head of Legal Professionals, Europe for Thomson Reuters, on how the current environment is changing the conversation around ways organizations can promote gender equality, and how the COVID-19 crisis has helped reveal the benefits of more inclusive recruiting and hiring practices.