Listening to the voice of our customers at AALL
This article was written by Heidi Bloedow, vice president, Customer Experience Operations
At Thomson Reuters, the voice of the customer resonates through the business. As the leader of our Customer Experience organization, I feel that I’m entrusted with a powerful differentiator for our business and have enormous opportunity to shape our product features and content collection.
Our goal is service excellence and we manage that through thousands of conversations with customers every day via our reference attorneys, customer services and customer technical support representatives, account managers, sales representatives and librarian relations managers. This level of customer engagement is ideal for innovation. For example, our reference attorneys each spend eight hours a day on our products working with customers who likewise spend a great deal of time using them. The feedback and ideation around features and content is continuous.
And once a quarter, Marketing, Product Development and Reference Attorneys get together to do a deep dive into a Customer Experience view of trends and customer needs. When we hear from the customer about a product idea or about something they need – and it’s something that we can deliver – we always reach out to let them know that we’ve provided what they asked for and to thank them for their input.
Among the responsibilities of my team is to bring the customer perspective deep into our business. One of the ways we do this is via our monthly Voice of the Customer report. This report draws from customer insights and feedback from across our externally facing staff, and the compiled Voice of the Customer report goes to over 1,000 people within Thomson Reuters to inspire products and features, as well as to suggest areas of emphasis or course corrections.
Do you have an idea that would make your experience with one of our products more satisfying? We’d love to hear from you. Our booth at AALL will be staffed with Librarian Relations Managers and Reference Attorneys and we would like nothing more than to hear your ideas.