LegalTech S.W.A.G
If we are honest with ourselves, the give-away items at conferences – or as Michael Scott from NBC’s The Office likes to call it, S.W.A.G (stuff we all get) – are among the perks of attending a tradeshow. And this year at LegalTech the tchotckes are in abundance.
In fact, Monica Bay, editor-in-chief for Law Technology News recently wrote an article about all the great vendor freebies. Check it out.
As always there are the typical pens and thumb drives, but attendees who stop by the Westlaw Litigator booth in the Clinton Suite on the third floor can take home a unique freebie item that is personal just to them. Each day of the conference from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. an artist from will be on hand to create your very own caricature. All you have to do is stop in, sit right down and in less than 5 minutes time you are on your way with your very own comedic likeness.