Legaltech news recognizes Secondment Program & Customer Advocacy Approach
Implementing technology and switching processes can be daunting.
Not enough time. Not enough hands. And if a bottleneck pops up then extra support, free of charge, is a blessing in disguise and a teachable moment.
The new Elite Secondment program, recognized this week in Legaltech news, partners Elite staff with law firm partners to offer a fresh set of eyes and an extra set of hands to dig in and help with bottlenecks and process pain-points.
Eric Ruud, managing director, Legal Enterprise Solutions, was quoted in the Legatech news article explaining why Elite is commiting staff and time to this new Secondment program, “This was one more element where we thought, this would be a good thing to try and allow our employees to get out and spend more time with the customers, learn more about their systems.”
The partnership within the Secondment program is adapted specifically to the client’s needs and the skill set of the Elite staff tasked for support. The intensity of the program- two to three days a week for two months – places the Elite employee within the firm as a staff person on the team. Because of the consistent time commitment, they are truly part of the daily law firm implementation team committing time to fulfill the firm’s needs. In return, the Elite staff gains a true understanding of the client pain points by working daily at the law firm, experiencing the implementation challenges as one of the staff.
Christine Colangelo, accounting director at Cranfill, Sumner and Hartzog experienced a bottleneck due to a short-staffing situation. The Cranfill Secondment focused on administrative support, provided by the Elite employee. Mike Williams, director of information services at Robins Kaplin, partnered in a 2016 Secondment to ensure back office staff were using all technology in the best and most effective manner. Both firms had a unique need and were willing to try a new partnership approach, a Secondment, to find solutions.
Finding news ways to support customers, and better understand customers led the Elite team to develop this Secondment program in 2016 and it continues with new law firm commitments in 2017.
To learn more about Secondment, go to Legaltech news ($).