New York LegalTech – Let’s try mobile
My first LegalTech experience has started off well. Arrived at the Hilton with plenty of time to get lost in the sea of vendor booths (never, of course, being able to find the one I wanted). Yep, that was me looking lost, confused, and trying desperately to hide my fear behind my Blackberry.
I stopped in the middle of the exhibit lobby (again, pretending to be very busy and important) when I looked up to see a sign that said something to the effect of “Download the Mobile LegalTech App.”
So I did. And it worked.
Wouldn’t ya know, this handy little app helped me find exactly what I was looking for (for all of you wondering what that was, it was the Westlaw Business booth).
So, for all of you other first timers, I highly recommend downloading Mobile LegalTech. For those of you who don’t, I’ll spot you in the lobby, hiding behind your mobile devices trying to not look lost, and offer you the opportunity to use my Blackberry to find your way.
P.S. Anyone going to the LPO session at 1 p.m.? If so, I’ll see you there (if not, watch for a recap here on Legal Current)