Legal News Brief – June 14, 2013
Before you head out for the weekend, check out your legal news headlines from Thomson Reuters News and Insight, which will soon be available exclusively on WestlawNext as part of its Practitioner Insights offering. On June 21, the Thomson Reuters News & Insight website, iPhone® app and newsletters will be discontinued. See Frequently Asked Questions to learn more.
Experts predict wave of lawsuits over unpaid internships
Two former interns at the New Yorker and W Magazine sued Conde Nast Publications in what experts said could be the first in a series of lawsuits.
‘Ringleader’ says Apple did not raise e-books prices
The Apple executive at the center of an antitrust lawsuit by the federal government said the company “didn’t care” what price publishers set for e-books.
Lack of a prenup imperils oil billionaire’s fortune
At stake is Continental Resources CEO Harold Hamm’s fortune, worth at least $11 bln. And the absence of a prenuptial agreement could result in the largest divorce settlement in history.
Detroit creditors brace for haircuts – or worse – at meeting to avoid bankruptcy
The city’s emergency manager will unveil his restructuring plan on Friday, and creditors will begin to learn what they can recover without driving the Motor City into bankruptcy.
A speeding ticket and curses lead to federal lawsuit
A man who got a speeding ticket wrote some colorful language on the form he used to pay his fine – which got him into even more trouble. Now, a civil rights group is suing on his behalf.
Facebook says lawyers in derivative case have conflict
The social media power says Robbins Geller’s unsuccessful foray into an investor class action against Facebook over its IPO presents a conflict in the firm’s derivative lawsuit against company directors.