January podcast: Emoji death threats, privacy class action lawsuits and Satanic statues

In the January 2014 edition of the Legal Current podcast, we cover:
- Legal news: Is emoji death threat a criminal defense? One law professor says that it just may be.
- Legal trends & insights: Are privacy class action suits the next big practice areas?
- News from Thomson Reuters: Jim Jones, a senior fellow at the Center for the Study of the Legal Profession at Georgetown University Law Center, comments on the new report from Peer Monitor and the Georgetown University Law Center.
- On the legal blogs: A 7-foot statue of Satan is being proposed for the Oklahoma State Capitol.
You can listen to the episode now by clicking the play button on the built-in player below. We’re also on iTunes – just enter “Legal Current” in the search box.
If you have a suggestion for a future interview or episode theme, leave a comment on this blog post or send an email to contact@legalcurrent.com. You can also follow us on Twitter at @legalcurrent.
A 7-foot statue, not statute. (H/t to Laura Sulem at PracticalLaw.com.)