IP portfolio management nirvana
Inventors and patent holders are an elite group. Many take great pride in being the movers and shakers of tomorrow’s generations. Whether concocting a drug to slow the effects of Parkinson’s, devising safer gear for armed forces, finding new ways to transmit data securely and wirelessly, and so on – much of the future of our world emanates from today’s innovations.
It’s really no surprise then that these inventions are oftentimes meticulously maintained, to avoid missing critical maintenance dates or filing fees.
For all the patent holders out there, the job of intellectual asset management just got a lot easier – thanks to the introduction of the world’s first data validation functionality in Thomson IP Manager, the intellectual asset management software platform from Thomson IP Management Services.
Thomson IP Manager is now so smart that it automatically checks patent record information against the Thomson Reuters Global Patent Collection, covering more than 70 patent-issuing authorities, and indicates when there’s a discrepancy.
For patent-holding corporations, law firms, and individuals, this is nirvana. The worrisome burden that accompanies portfolio management has just been significantly minimized – at least for those using Thomson IP Manager. This may decrease sales somewhat for sleep-inducing medications that previously helped IP portfolio managers catch some shut eye, but for everyone else, it’s pure bliss!
Read the news release to learn more.