Introducing hosted practice technology
The American Lawyer’s 16th Annual Survey gathered responses from 82 law firms and revealed that 65 percent of them use hosted technology/cloud computing. Of those firms using the cloud, 77 percent described it as a positive experience. Thomson Reuters legal solutions business has been trusted by customers for decades to provide efficient, reliable e-discovery and case analysis software solutions. Now, these solutions are available with the convenience and security of a private cloud, providing customers with a more flexible way to work.
Hosted practice technology offers:
-Expertise hosting legal systems
-Secure, trusted access – anytime, anywhere
-Scalable on-demand storage
-Installation, upgrades and maintenance
-Simple, predictable cost structure
Coming in February 2013:
Case Notebook-Hosted. A centralized, electronic case file where teams can enter and share key facts, insights, notes, documents, main characters, evidence, legal research, and more. Increase productivity and efficiency, without sacrificing quality.
Case Logistix-Hosted. One of the fastest document-review tools available, Case Logistix provides e-discovery teams with a more complete view of original documents, plus metrics to verify throughput at every stage of the process.