In Business
Friday 20th Dec 2013
eBillingHub launched an enhancement this week, BillingHub Intelligence, to its namesake product. The new update is free of charge for all eBillingHub customers and delivers critical performance indicators to its administrator users, showing how a firm’s billing processes measure up to other firms. This makes it easy to identify where efficiencies and accuracies can be ...
Thursday 19th Dec 2013
Crowdsource funding is the hot new buzzword among startups. The 2012 Jumpstart Our Business Start-ups (JOBS) Act was intended to open up crowdsource funding and other social media as a means for startups to raise capital. Tom Murphy of McDermott Will & Emery says the reality is somewhat muted compared with buzz, but says the ...
Tuesday 17th Dec 2013
This article was written by Rebecca Thorkildsen, director of legal solutions at Pangea3, and was originally published on Metropolitan Corporate Counsel. In many ways, law departments’ delivery of contract management services is still like the Wild West – a lawless frontier. Within a single law department, approaches to managing contracts can differ wildly among practices or ...
Monday 16th Dec 2013
You don’t have to be a Alaskan crab fisherman on “The Deadliest Catch” to worry about on-the-job injuries. Even seemingly harmless office jobs can pose risks on carpal tunnel syndrome and slip-and-fall accidents. A new FindLaw survey found that one in five Americans say that they have been injured while on the job. Here are ...
Wednesday 11th Dec 2013
Most law firms today realize the importance of search engines to their online marketing. They know that consumers are increasingly using Google and other search engines to find and research law firms before hiring them. No one really disputes this. At the same time, paying for search engine optimization (SEO) services to rank highly in ...
Tuesday 10th Dec 2013
Nanotechnology. Computer eyewear. 3D printing. Voice recognition. What do these things have in common? They are all considered to be upcoming game changers in technology. In the video below, Dan Bennett, head of mobile services at Thomson Reuters, discusses the two game changers that he sees in technology in 2014.
Wednesday 4th Dec 2013
Many law firms believe top search engine rankings are a silver bullet for their online marketing — a magic tool that will deliver a steady flow of business. But are specific keyword phrases such as “Boston personal injury attorney” or “Miami DUI lawyer” really the key to online marketing success? A new FindLaw study analyzed ...
Monday 2nd Dec 2013
New legislation pending in Congress – the Patent Transparency and Improvements Act promises to reduce spurious patent litigation filed by Non-Practicing Entities, commonly referred to as “patent trolls.” However, Yar Chaikovsky of McDermott Will & Emery notes that previous attempts to rein in patent trolls, including the America Invents Act, have proven largely ineffective. Listen to ...
Wednesday 27th Nov 2013
University of Wisconsin-Stout Chancellor Charles W. Sorensen and other UWS officials met with FindLaw employees recently on the Thomson Reuters campus in Eagan. UWS recently completed the first quarter of a new Search Engine Optimization course that is being taught with assistance from instructors provided by FindLaw. The course is believed to be the first of ...
Tuesday 26th Nov 2013
Thomson Reuters surveyed nearly 600 in-house attorneys to study law department trends and needs, as well as opportunities to improve the quality of legal counsel that is provided, increase efficiency and reduce costs. Law departments have traditionally performed most tasks in-house assigning a portion of work to outside counsel. Due to increased budgetary pressures, many ...
Wednesday 20th Nov 2013
Corporate legal departments face diverse challenges: providing effective counsel to internal clients, supervising outside counsel work and managing risk for the organization. And they generally must achieve these objectives within the constraints of limited internal resources and a fixed budget. Enterprise Legal Management (ELM) software has recently emerged as an increasingly useful set of tools ...
Monday 18th Nov 2013
While this should certainly come as no shock, a new survey found that Americans overwhelmingly oppose allowing their bosses to obtain their social media passwords. According to the survey, eighty-three percent of American adults say that employers should not be allowed to obtain passwords to personal social media accounts, such as Facebook and YouTube. Only ...
Friday 15th Nov 2013
Following a slow start to the year, the Thomson Reuters Peer Monitor Economic Index (PMI) rose 2 points to 55 in the third quarter, its second consecutive gain. Demand for legal services was up 0.8% – the first quarterly increase seen so far this year. Despite the improvement, year-to-date demand is still down 0.9%. Worked ...