ILTA-Awards-CeremonyThe ILTA 2011 Conference finished with the annual ILTA Awards Dinner at the Gaylord Opryland. While we were sorry to see the conference come to an end, the evening and conference were capped off with Hubbard One receiving the “Vendor Implementation of the Year” award.

The award, which recognizes outstanding achievement by a vendor organization that has celebrated a highly successful technology implementation for a client in 2010, went to Hubbard One in recognition of the implementation of InGeer, an innovative SharePoint project for Australian law firm, Herbert Geer.

Herbert Geer – with offices in Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane – wanted to find a better way to access, manage, and leverage the firm’s arsenal of information to drive better business decisions and shape the client experience. The firm engaged Hubbard One to build InGeer, an intranet that brings together information from across the firm into a single portal to facilitate more efficient and effective decision making, and also shape the client experience.

Hubbard One successfully implemented a comprehensive financial reporting and matter planning portal built on XMLAW SharePoint technology that serves the entire legal community of Herbert Geer. The portal provides the firm’s lawyers with the ability to access detailed client and matter information and provides a holistic view of client activity in real-time.

We’re delighted that InGeer has been recognized at the ILTA awards – this was a fantastic project to get involved in and we enjoyed working with the team at Herbert Geer on every stage of the process.

Our thanks to ILTA for the award, and for hosting another outstanding annual conference. We’re already looking forward to ILTA 2012!

Mark Schiff is president, Hubbard One

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