HighQ Earns British Legal Supplier of the Year Award and Pro Bono Counsel Award

HighQ recently earned two awards for its leading technology capabilities and vision to reshape the practice of law. Thomson Reuters acquired HighQ – which offers a secure, cloud-based platform for business collaboration, workflow automation and client engagement – in July.
HighQ was named Supplier of the Year at the British Legal Technology Awards ceremony in London. The award recognized HighQ for demonstrating excellence in legal technology and client-focused services as a supplier that is reshaping the future of legal services.
This marks the second consecutive year Thomson Reuters was honored by the British Legal Technology Awards as Supplier of the Year. Thomson Reuters Contract Express earned the honor in 2018. Thomson Reuters also received the award in 2015 for its ProView eReader platform.
In addition, HiqhQ was recently recognized by The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty with its Pro Bono Counsel Award in Washington, D.C. Annually, the Law Center honors a law firm or legal service provider that has partnered with the center to seek justice for those experiencing homelessness and poverty. Using HighQ has enabled the Law Center to more efficiently track legal matters and establish a collaborative working environment to better connect its stakeholders.
Both awards underscore how HighQ is driving innovation and workflow efficiency for customers.