For Public Consumption Episode 2: An Interview with Diana White on the Future of the Legal Services Corporation

Earlier this spring, the Trump Administration released its full 2018 budget proposal, which outlined deep cuts, and even outright eliminations, of some agencies.
Among the 19 agencies on the chopping block is the Legal Services Corporation (LSC), an independent nonprofit established by Congress to support low-income Americans with civil legal aid. While the budget for 2017 kept funding in place for LSC to the tune of $385 million, the expected budget showdown for 2018 has many legal aid organizations concerned for the future, including Legal Assistance Foundation (LAF) in Chicago.
In the latest installment of our podcast series, For Public Consumption, host Sharon Sayles Belton, vice president, Government Affairs and Community Relations at Thomson Reuters, speaks with Diana White, former executive director of LAF, about the organization’s mission, funding challenges and what’s next should federal funds disappear.
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