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Hope you’re going to join us in Orlando for Thomson Reuters Elite’s annual users’ conference next week.  More than 900 customers are scheduled to attend, joining us for educational experiences, networking and a look at what’s next from the legal industry’s enterprise financial, client and matter management leader. Tracker and ProLaw customers will attend summits coinciding with the VANTAGE Worldwide Conference.

Eric Ruud, managing director of Thomson Reuters LES

Eric Ruud, managing director of LES, Thomson Reuters 

Next week we will host more than 300 sessions where customers can hear from company and industry experts, and they can also play with Elite’s new products and innovations. Since this meeting last year, Elite has rolled out a new version of 3E that offers standardized workflows for common tasks, shortens the time needed for implementation and delivers superior functionality and performance. And just weeks ago, the business introduced Workspace Assistant, a way for lawyers to access and perform time management functions via voice-only inputs using Amazon® Echo® or other Alexa®-enabled devices.

Hope you will be with us for what is sure to be a fascinating week of sessions, keynotes, roundtables and one-on-one meetings with Elite product team members. But for those unable to attend, highlights and recaps will be covered right here on Legal Current, the blog for the Legal business of Thomson Reuters.

This post was written by Eric Ruud, managing director of LES, Thomson Reuters.


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