Elite’s VANTAGE Las Vegas: Exciting new developments and what we heard from customers

We talked to three Thomson Reuters Elite senior leaders at Elite’s VANTAGE Las Vegas conference to find out what they are hearing from customers at the event, and what exciting new developments are on the horizon for Elite. Here is what they had to say:
Eric Ruud, managing director of Legal Enterprise Solutions at Thomson Reuters:
I’m hearing a lot of buzz around the things we have going on. Here are a few key themes coming out of this show for us:
- You. We have a lot going on with our customers, and there is a lot of activity in Elite around journey-mapping and getting better at understanding all the processes we have for doing business with you. Our goal is to really understand your businesses, understand your challenges and work with you to make sure we are doing the best we can.
- Simplification. We talk a lot about simplifying our products from an interface standpoint and usability standpoint, all the way down to simplifying processes, streamlining our operations, putting in a few layers in our support, and creating a customer advocacy group headed up by Patrick Hurley. We are also looking to speed up the way we respond to issues as they come up for you.
- Platforms. We are relaunching a community we launched a few years ago with more content, more commitment to maintain it, and we’ll be looking at you to join and help build that content and build that network out so we have a better way to connect – both individually with your peers, and with us.
I look forward to sharing more as time goes on.
Eric Sugden, CTO for Elite, Thomson Reuters:
We announced several new products at the keynote yesterday, one of which was a beta launch of a new visual studio plug-in for 3E. We also announced the launch of a new visual designer for design gallery. On the ProLaw side, we announced paperless pre-bill edits, which allow you to do your pre-bill editing without using any paper. We also have a preview of the new ProLaw portal and gave a demo of the new integration of eBilling Hub with ProLaw.
On the integration and connectivity side, we also talked about our new connections through Elite’s integration framework and Workspace, which now allows you to integrate 3E, Mattersphere and Business Development Premier. We added new functionality to Workspace, as well.
Customers asked me about our capability to do much better auditing, diagnostics, and monitoring of the on-premise installation of 3E. Our goal there is to make it much easier to support our 3E clients.
We’re also launching the new developer track, which is meant for our more technical and developer-type folks. In the past, we didn’t have that track at VANTAGE, but we got a lot of requests from clients, saying “your products are so technical in nature. It would be great if we could send some of our developers here and report back.”
Elisabet Hardy, VP of Product Management for Elite:
We have a record attendance of over 1,000 people here at the conference this year. We’re focused on three main themes:
- Enhancing our products
- Connecting our products
- Standardizing our products
We talked a lot about the importance of connecting our products together and bringing more than just financial management aspects together for firms that rely on Elite products today, for example, being able to utilize Business Development Premier with Mattersphere and 3E. From a roadmap perspective, we hope to have complete data synchronization between those three products by the end of this year, and we’ll be able to share with our clients a single view of not only the financial health of their clients, but also of how they are doing work with business development activities. So imagine being able to have one page that shows how the financial health of your clients match up with the marketing activities that they’re doing. And on top of that we pull in market data and market intelligence from sources that exist in other divisions across Thomson Reuters, like Financial & Risk, and Tax & Accounting.