Elections 2020: Voting Resources from Thomson Reuters

When, where and how to vote are top of mind as the U.S. counts down to the 2020 presidential election, along with many state and local elections. Thomson Reuters offers resources and expert analysis to provide trusted information around how to participate in the U.S. election and the laws that protect, and restrict, the right to vote.
Available resources include U.S. election reporting from Reuters, which recently expanded its coverage and will provide live election results, exit polls and sentiment polling data leading up to Nov. 3. Reuters will produce weekly surveys on national voter sentiment on top election issues as well as polls in specific battleground states. On election night, Reuters is partnering with Facebook to deliver live results to social media users on Facebook’s Voting Information Center and in push notifications.
In addition to Reuters resources, FindLaw.com offers information to enable everyone to better understand the law, make more informed legal decisions and find quality legal help. The extensive content is searchable by state and covers topics including voting rights history and law, voting amid COVID-19, submitting an absentee ballot and how to vote by mail.
Across the legal industry, law firms are addressing a common reason people cite for not voting – difficulty taking time off from work – by making Election Day a paid holiday. As ABA Journal and American Lawyer, among others, reported, several firms are offering employees paid time off to vote in the presidential election, though it’s unclear whether this will be a permanent or one-time holiday.
Thomson Reuters is among the more than 800 companies that joined the non-partisan Time To Vote coalition, created to increase voter participation and ensure that employees have a work schedule that allows them to vote
Access the latest Reuters election coverage here, and find comprehensive voting content on FindLaw.com.