Staffing Ratio Infographic FinalShould our firm hire someone to do that? How much more support staff does the firm need? These may be just a few questions firms are asking themselves. Peer Monitor’s 2015 Staffing Ratio Survey points out some key trends.

-Overall staffing ratios per 100 lawyers significantly increased in 2014 by 14 percent compared to 2013.

-The Am Law 100 appear to lead the pack on efficiency with 92 percent of firms with a less than 1:1 staffing ratio in 2014 compared to 63 percent in 2013.

-The survey highlighted a general decrease in FTEs (full time employees), but noted an increase in compensation of staffing suggesting that it is becoming more about quality and not quantity.

-A stronger emphasis is being placed on client-facing, internal management and personnel development roles compared to back-office positions.

To read more about trends impacting law firm staffing ratios, visit


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