Cybershopping at work becoming a popular way to shop

Have you started your holiday shopping yet? Well, you better not be doing it at work! Most employers frown on employees using company time and computers to let their fingers do the shopping. Yet, that’s exactly what many of us do.
A new survey from FindLaw found that 35 percent of Americans shop online while at work. Keeping presents a secret, faster Internet connections, and lack of time are the main reasons given. And it’s not just Cyber Monday that distracts people from their work. The survey found that most people who cybershop while on the job say that they also do it outside of the holiday shopping season as well.
Employees accessing and visiting sites that do have have the proper protocols and securities in place can unintentionally create lots of opportunity for criminals to wreak havoc. From spreading a virus or malicious code to breaching and stealing customer data, nothing is off limits. This article only reinforces my view as a Commercial Insurance Professional to why any company, large or small, should have Cyber Liability coverage in place.