As a broad and varied business, Thomson Reuters has a lot to contribute, both at an individual level – volunteering for causes and charities in our neighborhoods – and as a business – supporting emerging democracies around the world. But ultimately, it is the employees that make a company, and the 2010 Corporate Responsibility report illustrates how engaged and impassioned Thomson Reuters employees are in making the world a better place.

The 2010 Corporate Responsibility Report highlights employee volunteering, pro bono services, employee giving, and general philanthropy, but it is just a small sampling of the inspiring work that was done by our employees.

From Habitat for Humanity projects in Bangalore, India, to disaster relief aid through donated WestlawRewards Points in Haiti, employees at Thomson Reuters participate in hundreds of philanthropic projects every year around the globe.

Through a dedication to recycling in our manufacturing facility, and Green Teams set out to plant trees and restore the environment around the globe – Thomson Reuters’ employees have committed to protecting and preserving the environment and improving our environmental stewardship.

We are proud to present these stories, and look forward to reporting back on all of the great things our employees will continue to do in 2011.

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