Collaboration enhances current awareness content and reach
In today’s competitive legal environment, it is necessary for legal researchers to stay current on daily news and breaking legal developments. In order to manage that, legal professionals need the right tools to do their jobs effective and efficiently, while serving the best interests of their clients.
Thomson Reuters and Wolters Kluwer Law & Business recently announced they have joined forces to offer select Wolters Kluwer current awareness content on Thomson Reuters Westlaw.The agreement adds Wolters Kluwer’s current awareness products – daily awareness of breaking legal developments which has been analyzed and contextualized by attorney-editors – to the comprehensive legal research database, news and tools on Westlaw.
With current awareness being an important part of every attorney’s workflow and the unique content that the Wolters Kluwer Law & Business current awareness content delivers to on-the-go lawyers, the agreement is a win-won, providing additional content on Westlaw and extending the reach of Wolters Kluwer.
The first two products launched will include Wolters Kluwer’s unique current awareness dailies, Employment Law Daily and IP Law Daily, and secondary source content across a range of practice areas in law and business compliance will be added to WestlawNext. Future products are already in the works and will be announced within the next several quarters.
Additionally, new products that provide analysis and insight into key business topics are already being developed and will be rolled out over the next several quarters. Moving forward, on-point information will be pushed to customers where they are, synthesized into usable formats, with links to deeper sources.
Westlaw users will be pleased to find that with this collaborative effort, legal research will include additional resources and provide a deeper understanding of business, regulatory and market issues impacting the legal marketplace, as well as provide a platform for breaking news content.