Checkpoint Catalyst: The most intuitive, intelligent tax research solution

Taxes – they are a certainty of life.
As tax laws become increasingly complex, legal and tax professionals need an online research platform that enables them to navigate and master this changing and challenging environment, all with efficiency, effectiveness and certainty. Checkpoint Catalyst, authored by tax experts, presents a new generation of tax research featuring multi-jurisdictional content, embedded tools and enhanced search capabilities.
Checkpoint Catalyst, developed by the same research and development group at Thomson Reuters that created the algorithms for WestlawNext, leverages patterns to provide the most pertinent results, enhancing tax research with embedded interactive tools such as diagrams, decision-trees, charts, calculators and doc assembly applications, guiding users to the answers and outcomes they need.
Organized so users can easily view all relevant content on one page, Checkpoint Catalyst saves research steps and reduces the risk that something important could be missed. The platform was designed to allow quick lookups as well as detailed research, and is complemented by author commentary that highlights details that might pose a risk or an opportunity.
To learn more, read the press release