Advancing the rule of law abroad; spurring tech development at home
Two recent newspaper articles highlight Thomson Reuters’ continuing commitment to communities both far:
The rule of law will be an essential ingredient for building the democracy that the people of Egypt long for, and local groups such as Books for Africa and its Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative can have a powerful impact, wrote Patrick Plonski, the organization’s executive director, in an op-ed published Saturday in the Pioneer Press.
Books for Africa shipped 18,000 volumes to Egypt’s famed Alexandria Library last August, and “[l]ike the easy access to the Internet, these books represent the information revolution that allows people to gain access to information and knowledge about a range of topics, including the workings of democracy and free public expression,” Plonski wrote.
Thomson Reuters plays a key role in this project, having made a $1.2 million commitment to the organization last November.
Late last year, Thomson Reuters hosted the first meeting of the Jack Mason Law & Democracy Initiative Advisory Board, where the importance of advancing the rule of law was a fundamental topic of discussion.
And near:
Minnesota has some work to do in spurring development in the science and technology industries and the newly created Minnesota Science and Technology Authority is seeking to ensure this work gets done, according to a recent article in the Pioneer Press.
Thomson Reuters’ own Rick King, chief technology officer of the Professional Division, sits on the authority’s advisory commission and was quoted in the article.
The Minnesota Science and Technology Authority is a state-supported economic development initiative designed to stimulate innovation and encourage investment in science and technology areas, according to its website.
King wrote a guest post for Legal Current last month detailing his participation on the advisory commission, the work the group has been doing and what they hope to accomplish over the next decade.