In a recent survey of ProLaw customers, the most popular request focused on reports-related enhancements. Users wanted to be able to edit reports with more ease and without complex calculations, and efficiently create ad hoc reports. This functionality would help them quickly create a variety of reports to meet the different needs of users in the firm. Users also requested more interactive reports that would allow them to focus on the high-level picture, but drill down to details as needed. And, of course, graphs and charts would be needed to interpret the information quicker and easier. Enhanced management reporting also was requested to provide firms with the information needed to manage to key performance metrics, including profitability.

We addressed all these issues in ProLaw XII and two notable enhancement areas include report editing and functionality. The enhancements in editing include integration with Microsoft’s report builder for report editing capabilities. As most users are familiar with Microsoft products, their report builder provides a familiar user interface.

The enhancements to functionality are through the SQL server reporting services and allow users to set the parameters to modify report content and/or layout, develop graphs and charts (including drill down or roll up), provide links and allow enhanced export capabilities to Word, Excel, PDF or HTML.

Another key area of enhancement focuses on advanced content. The five advanced reporting bundles are designed to assist in running the firm better. We understand there is a need to do more with less and everyone is being forced to run leaner, and these reports will provide the information to do so.

Through the Fee Analysis bundle, management can view fees worked, billed and paid in various groups, allowing the firm’s productivity to be viewed in a variety of different ways. In addition, management can easily view the value of missing time to help manage lost revenue.

The Financials bundle makes it easier for the Finance department to deliver the information management needs to successfully run the firm with a simpler, more comprehensive view of financials by different groups and with different levels of detail, as well as financial trending over multiple reporting periods, all in a single report.

The Firm Analysis bundle provides management a view into how efficiently the firm is operating by reporting on both work in process and accounts receivable in a single report. The reports also show profit indicators such as the average hourly rate for a period, utilization of billable capacity, billable hours per full-time employee per day and collections efficiency.

The Top X bundle shows an at-a-glance view of top clients, matters or areas of law by various criteria: dollars billed, dollars paid, accounts receivable balance, write ups and write downs.

Including 17 reports, the Graphs and Charts bundle enables users to visualize statistical information by simplifying complex sets of data, making the reports easier to interpret and more relevant.

These enhancements were created from user input. We hope that you will continue to share your successes and ideas with us, and we will continue to enhance our products to help you perform better. For more information in the enhancements, visit

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