This guest post  was written by Kendra Mancusi, marketing manager – Litigation.

As I reviewed my notes from the first day of LegalTech, I realized how much time was spent in sessions predicting what the law firm of the future will look like. Several common predictions rose to the top throughout the day: firms offering a variety of pricing models for different types of matters, clients, etc. will be the norm. Successful attorneys will need to be skilled project managers. Firms will need to function as businesses selling legal knowledge. Better management of matters and information must be achieved in order to be more efficient and also more competitive and effective in the marketplace.

How will firms manage to this change? Although one speaker conceded that “technology is adjunct to the brain, not a substitute for it,” the consensus was clearly that technology is the key lever to help firms rise above the rising tide of change.

But what kind of technology? Again, the answers were consistent. Technology made up of components and tools that work together. Technology that enables users to get more from the vast amounts of information they have – whether that be a firm’s intellectual capital or expanding case files and massive discovery productions. Technology that integrates with and augments a firm’s current processes. In listening to these discussions, I was struck by how well the integrated software tools offered by Westlaw Litigator align with the changing focus and needs of law firms.

Not familiar with Westlaw Litigator tools? If you’re at LegalTech, please stop by the Clinton Suite on the second floor today and take a few minutes to hear the story of Westlaw Litigator tools and how your firm can use them today – and into the future. Or if nothing else, drop by to say hi and get a free caricature drawing from our artist.  If you’re not at the show but following it on Legal Current, you can learn more about Westlaw Litigator here.


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