launched a blog this week, which will provide regular, nearly daily insights on emerging threads in the global field of Sustainability. Like the Thomson Reuters Sustainability website, the blog will be managed by Tim Nixon, who is returning to Eagan, Minn., after a four-year stint in Switzerland, and will now be focused exclusively on the business’s Sustainability program. Since the content on Sustainability is mostly long-form thought leadership, the blog will allow for more daily engagement around the topic.

This should be an environment rich in statements on new policy and regulatory direction. Thomson Reuters Sustainability will be blogging daily on threads of emerging risk and opportunity, and we invite your comments and feedback on the blog about topics that may be of interest to you.

Thomson Reuters is about bringing transparency and trust around important information that professionals and other individuals need to work and engage in society. The sustainability space and the thinkers who are driving it are an important part of this larger network of information needed by our customers. And in many cases… they are our customers.


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