Smile, you’re on radar speed trap camera!

More communities across the country are adopting automated radar-activated cameras to catch speeding motorists in the act, and such cameras are opposed by a majority of Americans, says a new survey from

The survey found that 52 percent of Americans oppose the use of radar speed cameras, while 48 percent support them. Advocates say the cameras increase safety, but opponents contend they are often little more than revenue grabs by communities seeking to fill their local coffers. Interestingly, there is a split between men and women on the issue — a majority of women support the use of speed cameras while a majority of men oppose it.

Ohio recently adopted a law requiring the presence of a law enforcement officer when a speeding ticket is issued, effectively banning automated speed cameras. Nationwide, however, the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety says the number of communities using radar speed cameras increased from 115 in 2011 to 137 in 2014.

This is in contrast to the use of cameras that enforce red-light violations at intersections. The use of such cameras is decreasing, even though FindLaw found that Americans support the use of red-light cameras by 56 to 44 percent.

Free information on traffic tickets, including information on avoiding traffic tickets, types of traffic tickets, how to fight a ticket, and a searchable directory for finding an attorney, can be found at


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