The new Legal Small Firm track of LegalWeek New York featured a panel discussion: Challenges Identified by Small Law Firms: How They Threaten Your Success. Mary Juetten, CEO, Traklight & Co-Founder, Evolve Law; Bob Ambrogi, practicing solo attorney, ABA Journal columnist and creator of the LawSites blog; and Bill Josten, Senior Legal Industry Analyst, Thomson Reuters Legal …
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How Do Small & Solo Law Firms View Success? The State of the US Small Law Firms Study
Managing a successful solo or small law practice means overcoming many challenges. These days, running a small practice requires many skills in addition to being a good lawyer: one often also needs to be a project manager, technologist, marketer and small business expert. The State of the US Small Law Firms Study surveyed more …
- January 5, 2017
- Leonard Lee