The U.S. Senate Finance Committee (SFC) issued its “The Fight Against Fakes” report on Nov. 7, 2019. To some extent, the report repeats what the intellectual property (IP) stakeholder community is familiar with regarding the extent of the problem. The SFC report notes the previously published estimate of international trade in fakes at $509 billion. …
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Futureproof? Protecting innovation in rapidly evolving technologies
This post was written by Mohammed Karim, attorney at Bird & Bird international law firm Gordon Moore’s law that computer processor speeds would double every two years has historically held true. Ray Kurzweil’s modern theory of human development and the Law of Accelerating Returns proposes that the rate of human progress exponentially increases throughout time. …
- April 14, 2015
- Susan Martin
Americans invent, but don’t act on it, says survey
Have you ever dreamed about coming up with the next Pet Rock® or Snuggie®? It turns out that many of us have come up with ideas for new products and inventions, but very few of us act on it, according to a new survey by The survey found that one-third of Americans (32 …
- November 6, 2014
- Susan Martin
Patent Approval for Super Lawyers
Being named to the Super Lawyers list in their respective state is a highly coveted goal for many attorneys. The rigorous, multi-phased selection process combines peer evaluations with third-party research, and each candidate is evaluated on 12 indicators of peer recognition and professional achievement. Now that process receives a distinction that further demonstrates Super Lawyers …
- April 3, 2013
- Jeff McCoy
Thomson Reuters key author prepares expert report on China’s patent system
This past year, Thomas T. Moga, author of Patent Practice and Policy in the Pacific Rim, prepared an expert report for the United States Chamber of Commerce entitled “China’s Utility Model Patent System: Innovation Driver or Deterrent.” The completed report was unveiled at the USCOC conference on “China’s Evolving Patent Environment: What It Means for …
- February 19, 2013
- Susan Martin
Patent & trademark trends: Thomson Reuters evaluates the state of global IP
Innovation is often viewed as the key to global economic prosperity. In all corners of the earth, executives, policy makers, government officials, politicians, teachers and entrepreneurs are talking about their hope for “innovation.” The topic is of equal interest to Thomson Reuters, and after tracking corporate and industry-specific innovation activity for several years we recently …
- March 30, 2012
- Gretchen DeSutter
Research confirms China leads world in patent applications, trademark filings
By tracking published patent applications, examining real-world trademark and copyright infringement issues and comparing the government policies and long-term innovation strategies of China to other world leaders, new reports from Thomson Reuters suggest that although China leads the world in patent and trademark filings, its status as a global player still faces challenges. “Intellectual property …
- December 21, 2011
- Gretchen DeSutter