The New York Law Journal Reader Rankings were recently announced, and the survey of 8,000 readers gave top honors for quality and ease-of-use to WestlawNext, the WestlawNext iPad App, the Westlaw Portfolio App, Concourse, and Pangea3. For the fifth year, WestlawNext was selected as the Best Online Research provider and the Westlaw Portfolio iPad App was …
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New York Law Journal
Thomson Reuters takes top honors
Westlaw, WestlawNext and Pangea3 recently won top honors in the 2012 New York Law Journal Reader Rankings. Westlaw was named the Best Online Legal Research Vendor for the third consecutive year. The Best Solo/Small Firm Research Vendor for the third consecutive year was WestlawNext. WestlawNext also was named the Best Legal Research App, a new …
- September 12, 2012
- Jeff McCoy
Thomson Reuters businesses top 2011 Reader Rankings
The New York Law Journal released their 2011 Reader Rankings and four Thomson Reuters businesses were named as the top vendor in their respective categories. In the technology area, Serengeti Law took top honors for the best matter management system. Pangea3 took the best legal process outsourcing title in the consulting and outsourcing division. In the research arena, WestlawNext was named the best …
- September 14, 2011
- Jeff McCoy