While much of the legal industry has been overwhelmed by the hype surrounding blockchain, a lot of the attention has focused on cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICOs). But at Thomson Reuters innovation lab in Boston last week, a farmer and the co-creator of a local food partnership spoke about how the Internet of Things …
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internet of things
The Internet of Things and Children’s Privacy
Advances in technology have created all kinds of internet-connected toys for children that hold the promise of machine learning, interaction, and access to personal data for both kids and parents. But with these devices also risk the exposure of children’s voices, images, and data to anyone. At the recent ABA Antitrust Spring meeting, Phyllis Marcus …
- April 23, 2018
- Alex Cook
How Copyright Laws are Turning the Internet of Things into a National Security Risk: Part II
To read part I of this post, click here. Over the summer, Jeep and Chrysler made headlines when they mandated a recall of recent model vehicles when it was discovered that their operating systems were susceptible to a remote attack. Researchers were able to not only manipulate the car’s GPS and console, but essentially take …
- December 11, 2015
- Alex Cook
How Copyright Laws are Turning the Internet of Things into a National Security Risk: Part I
For years now, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and its spokespersons have fought for the ability of device owners to legally jailbreak owned devices in order to properly secure them from potential threat or outside manipulation. Never has this discussion been more germane than today as the devices most people carry now connect to the …
- December 8, 2015
- Alex Cook
ACCAM15 – Connected Data and You
Are you connected? How connected are you? Some people may think they are not that connected to the internet, but for the most part, everyone is wired – and more than most of us may think. According to Wikipedia, the Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or “things” embedded with electronics, …
- October 20, 2015
- Jeff McCoy
Bob Schukai: If it has a screen, it’s fair game
There has been exploding growth in the area we call the “Internet of Things,” particularly when it comes to wearable and automotive technologies. So what does this mean for Thomson Reuters? Well, according to Bob Schukai, head of advanced product innovation at Thomson Reuters, “if it has a screen, it’s fair game.” In the coming year, his …
- February 19, 2015
- Susan Martin
On the edge of law firm technology – ILTA 2014 session
Over the previous three years at ILTA, one of the most popular sessions has been “What’s That? New and Cool Technologies.” This year was no different. A capacity crowd of legal technologists listened to the witty foursome of Jeffrey Brandt of PinHawk LLC, Mark Manoukian of Kegler, Brown, Hill & Ritter, Beau Mersereau of Fish & …
- August 20, 2014
- Joe Raczynski