Advances in legal technology — both the present and future — will be front and center at ILTACON 2016 this week. Charlotte Rushton, managing director, large and midsize law firms, and innovation leader for the Legal business of Thomson Reuters, discusses the state of innovation in the legal industry
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ILTACON 2016 Session: Preparing a Cybercrime Incident Response Plan
Unleashing the power of technology also means the threat of cyber attack looms just around the corner. As the well-publicized Sony Studios hack played out in 2014, the release of privileged data caused incalculable harm to the organization. While the perpetrators in the Sony case were sophisticated, nation-state actors, law firms must be prepared …
- August 29, 2016
- Alex Cook
ILTACON – Customer Engagement with Thomson Reuters Elite
The following post was written by Bill Burch of Thomson Reuters ELITE. The big themes we are hearing from customers are focused around efficiencies and collaboration. At the foundation is a market that has grown more and more competitive. Statistics show that legal demand has been flat, but most firms feel as though they are …
- September 9, 2015
- Alex Cook
ILTACON – Latest SharePoint Updates and Features
As ILTACON 2015 came to a close, the “Latest SharePoint® Updates and Features” session assembled a panel to discuss the features for on-premise SharePoint®, Office 365TM and SharePoint® 2016. The panel endeavored to surface what’s new in SharePoint® and relevant to law firms. In 2016, SharePoint® is renewing investment in its core: files, content management, …
- September 8, 2015
- Andrew McLennan-Murray
ILTACON – DIY or Outsource? A Decision Process Review
We all have attempted to tackle a home project only to call a handyman as it became increasingly complex the deeper we got into the project. An organization’s decision process on whether to outsource document review and other legal services is much like that – figuring out which do-it-yourself (DIY) projects they have the requisite …
- September 4, 2015
- Jeff McCoy
ILTACON – Day 1 Keynote: “What Happens When Passion and Talent Meet”
Author Sir Ken Robinson opened ITLACON this week with an inspiring keynote based on his book, The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything. He was everything you want in a keynote speaker – funny, a bit irreverent and gave your brain something to chew on for a few days even while it was trying to …
- September 4, 2015
- Scott Augustin
ILTACON – Thoughts from David Curle, Thomson Reuters director of Strategic Competitive Intelligence
With ILTACON drawing to a close, Legal Current spoke with David Curle, director of Strategic Competitive Intelligence at Thomson Reuters, to get his thoughts on the panels and trends at this year’s show.
- September 3, 2015
- Jeff McCoy
ILTACON — Thomson Reuters, Westlaw and Thomson Reuters ELITE Recognized for Excellent Customer Support
With ILTACON wrapping up, InsideLegal has released the results of its 2015 ILTA/InsideLegal Technology Purchasing Survey, which asked 184 firms for their insights into “technology budget data; updated information on firms’ purchasing influences and patterns; legal IT department trends and challenges; and expansive sections on specific legal technology purchases.” The final question of the survey …
- September 3, 2015
- Jeff McCoy
ILTACON – Don’t Just Implement. Adopt!
“Don’t Just Implement. Adopt!” panelists from Perkins Coie LLP, Shearman & Sterling LLP, and Kaye Scholer LLP gathered at ILTACON to discuss the pain of software that wasn’t adequately adopted by their firms. Why should you care? According to the director of KM for Perkins Coie, every minute spent in non-billable time is like time …
- September 3, 2015
- Andrew McLennan-Murray
ILTACON – The Need for Speed: Rapid-Fire Problem-Solving in a Time-Starved World
During the ITLACON 2015 Session “The Need for Speed: Rapid-Fire Problem-Solving in a Time-Starved World,” attendees hoped to learn to make better, faster decisions with their teams. The session was structured as a workshop in which more than 200 attendees were split into small teams and prompted to make quick decisions on complex challenges such …
- September 3, 2015
- Andrew McLennan-Murray