Advances in legal technology — both the present and future — will be front and center at ILTACON 2016 this week. Charlotte Rushton, managing director, large and midsize law firms, and innovation leader for the Legal business of Thomson Reuters, discusses the state of innovation in the legal industry
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ILTACON 2016 Session: Machine Learning as a Service and the Future of AI and the Law
Daniel Katz, associate professor of Law at Chicago Kent College of Law, opened his Day One ILTACON session by assuring attendees that the days of robot overlords are still a bit further off. “I’m not about robots replacing lawyers, I’m about placing robots where they aren’t now,” Katz remarked. Lawyers, technologists and futurists have long …
- August 29, 2016
- Alex Cook
ILTACON 2016 Session: Preparing a Cybercrime Incident Response Plan
Unleashing the power of technology also means the threat of cyber attack looms just around the corner. As the well-publicized Sony Studios hack played out in 2014, the release of privileged data caused incalculable harm to the organization. While the perpetrators in the Sony case were sophisticated, nation-state actors, law firms must be prepared …
- August 29, 2016
- Alex Cook
ILTACON 2016: Growing Up With ILTA
I am what’s known as a “lifer”… or an “old-timer … or any number of other descriptors usually said affectionately but with just the slightest hint of pejorative undertone. I’ve been around the legal tech community a long time, and am coming up on 24 years at Thomson Reuters Elite. However, I am a mere …
- August 29, 2016
- Alex Cook
ILTACON 2016 Keynote – Re-Imagining Legal Technology for the 21st Century with Mike Walsh
ILTACON 2016 kicked-off at the Gaylord National Harbor in Maryland this morning with a record-setting number of attendees present. With a promising week of programming ahead, author and futurist Mike Walsh started Day One with a rousing keynote titled “Re-Imagining Legal Technology for the 21st Century.” With a sleek presentation in tow, Walsh’s charm and …
- August 29, 2016
- Alex Cook
ILTA executive director Randi Mayes on ILTACON 2016
ILTACON 2016 is an excellent opportunity for people working in legal technology to learn, share and discuss what works, what doesn’t and the tools to face challenges now and in the future. ILTA executive director Randi Mayes, who has led ILTA for more than twenty years, discusses how ILTA has helped shape the legal technology …
- August 29, 2016
- Leonard Lee