It’s hard to talk about failure, especially when it comes to the shortcomings. But three panelists at an ILTA 2014 session titled “It’s a Failure Party! How to Celebrate These Learning Opportunities” shared their stories of failure. Scott Reid, director of KM innovation at Littler Mendelson started things off by talking about a needs assessment …
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The 2020 Data Center: ILTA 2014 session
As the law firm of the future looks globally to serve its clients, cloud-based data solutions will become even more crucial to survive. But with data storage regulations varying from country to country, how are law firm IT departments supposed to find a cost-effective, secure and practical answer? “By the time you review and propose …
- August 18, 2014
- Alex Cook
Talk to Yourself and Be Crazy (Productive): ILTA 2014 session
During his opening keynote at ILTA 2014, Peter Diamandis reflected on how Charles Lindberg’s flight across the Atlantic inspired him to create the X Prize for space exploration. Looking to the past as a path to the future was a common thread during a follow-up session titled, “Talk to Yourself and Be Crazy (Productive),” specifically …
- August 18, 2014
- Alex Cook
To App or Not to App? ILTA 2014 session
To app or not to app? That was the question on Monday afternoon at an ILTA session in Nashville, TN. Representatives from three law firms were on hand to discuss how they got to the drawing board through the release and lessons they learned along the way. Marika DePron, Bracewell & Guilliani; Elyse Lazaruk, Latham …
- August 18, 2014
- Susan Martin
Here and Now and Beyond: Law Firm 2020 at ILTA 2014
This afternoon, I attended a session at ILTA titled “Here, Now & Beyond Law 2020,” presented by Jeffrey Brandt (PinHawk), David Stanton and Marty Metz (both with Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman). They discussed factors effecting significant change for law firms today. The panel seemed to agree on the importance of information governance and how it …
- August 18, 2014
- Susan Martin
ILTA 2014 opening keynote by Peter Diamandis: Our world of abundance
ILTA 2014 kicked off with a bang on Monday morning in Nashville, TN, with a keynote by Peter Diamandis, author, innovator and co-founder/executive chairman of Singularity University, the leading institution for the study of exponentially growing technologies. The theme at this year’s ILTA conference is “Imagine,” and Diamandis capitalized on that theme by asking the …
- August 18, 2014
- Susan Martin