Thomson Reuters is introducing Data Privacy Advisor – a specialized data privacy research solution that brings the company’s vast collection of global legal and regulatory information together with expansive data privacy guidance from Practical Law editors, curated news, and a question-answering feature built by artificial intelligence and technology professionals from Thomson Reuters and IBM Watson. …
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Legal Disruption Rewind: AI in the Law in 2016
From Hollywood blockbusters where killer robots threaten to take over the world, to real-world applications where technology can provide in-depth content analysis, artificial intelligence (AI) and its capabilities offer thrilling, yet humbling (and perhaps frightening), possibilities as to how we might relate to technology in the future. But in many respects – particularly with current …
- May 17, 2016
- Alex Cook
ILTACON – “Watson, I Need You!” Augmented Intelligence for Legal
If you were to imagine the researching aspect of a law firm of the future, what would that look like? Kyla Moran from the IBM Watson Group led a discussion down the path of what we could expect. In what seemed like a shock to many in the room, Moran described an office similar to …
- September 2, 2015
- Joe Raczynski