Several Thomson Reuters leaders participated in last week’s WomenTech Global Conference, a virtual conference uniting 100,000 women in tech to foster innovation. Among the Thomson Reuters presenters at the event were: Rawia Ashraf, vice President of Product – Legal Practice and Productivity, who discussed the importance of product and technology teams sharing the same vision …
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gender diversity
June 30 Webinar: Insights for Diverse Leadership and a Culture to Support Change
The Thomson Reuters Transforming Women’s Leadership in the Law (TWLL) program in Europe will host the second webinar in its series focused on the evolving circumstances due to COVID-19 on June 30. The series, which kicked off on May 26, examines the practical methods to advance gender equality and helps organizations support necessary cultural change. …
- June 29, 2020
- Carrie Brooker
Webinar Series: Insights for Diverse Leadership and a Culture to Support Change
The Thomson Reuters Transforming Women’s Leadership in the Law (TWLL) program in Europe will kick off a webinar series on May 26, focusing on the evolving circumstances due to COVID-19, and examining the practical methods to advance gender equality and help organizations support necessary cultural change. The series also will explore the future of the …
- May 20, 2020
- Carrie Brooker
Why Gender Diversity Is Important
Today, the morning after the first female presidential candidate appeared on the federal ballot for president of the United States, Thomson Reuters held its fourth-annual Aspire to Lead Conference in Minneapolis. While the majority of attendees certainly wished the results of the national election would have been different, given the first female candidate was not elected, …
- November 9, 2016
- Gretchen DeSutter
One Innovative Method for Tackling Gender Biases in Hiring & Talent Development
Everyone thinks they are fair and objective, but the reality is that everyone has biases. As humans, we are biased without knowing when we are and in what situations the bias may show up, which is commonly termed as “unconscious” or “implicit” bias. To mitigate the impact of these unconscious biases, it’s important to consciously …
- April 21, 2016
- Alex Cook