This post was written by Patrick Hurley, vice president of Global Implementation at Thomson Reuters I’ve been coming to LegalTech New York (LTNY) for more years than I care to count, and every year there is some overriding theme that permeates the exhibition floor conversations. Often it’s the Super Bowl…well, unless you’re a Seahawks fan or a …
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Using Engage to manage budgets, matters
Nathan Bowie, managing director, Thomson Reuters Elite, discussed at the 2012 Elite User Conference how alternative fee arrangements have been prominent with firms and their corporate clients. Along with the rise of AFAs is a trend towards budgeted matters. With the economic changes the legal market has seen recently, firms are using tools such as Engage to become proficient …
- May 28, 2012
- Jeff McCoy
Legal project management comes full circle
by Nathan Bowie, Thomson Reuters Engage The first version of Microsoft ProjectTM for WindowsTM was released in 1990. Between then and now, many law firm CIOs have variously cajoled, begged and even threatened attorneys to apply even the meanest vestiges of project management tools and methodologies to their practices. Until very recently, these attempts have met with unmitigated failure, …
- February 1, 2012
- Susan Martin
How does your firm Engage?
One trend that we’re seeing at LegalTech is a focus on greater firm efficiency – and products and services that can help. Thomson Reuters Engage from the Business of Law unit of Thomson Reuters, Legal helps firms do just that – manage how they engage with clients. Engage is the first Engagement Planning and Management (EPM) …
- February 1, 2011
- Gretchen DeSutter