During the ILTACON 2016 Session “AI in Law: The State of Play in 2016”, Michael Mills, co-founder and chief strategy officer of Neota Logic, gave compelling insight into the economics, significance and potential of AI in law firms. According to Mills, law firms have traditionally operated on a time-based billing model, simply scaling their work …
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cognitive computing
ILTACON 2016 Session: Machine Learning as a Service and the Future of AI and the Law
Daniel Katz, associate professor of Law at Chicago Kent College of Law, opened his Day One ILTACON session by assuring attendees that the days of robot overlords are still a bit further off. “I’m not about robots replacing lawyers, I’m about placing robots where they aren’t now,” Katz remarked. Lawyers, technologists and futurists have long …
- August 29, 2016
- Alex Cook
CFO-COO Forum Session – The Watson Effect
Running a law firm in today’s business environment is challenging enough, but what happens in the future as machine learning systems – like IBM’s Watson – become part of the law firm? Panelist gathered during the CFO-CFO Forum to discuss that very issue in a session called “The Watson Effect: Delivering Client Value in Artificial …
- November 10, 2015
- Alex Cook