Competence. Confidentiality. Integrity. What do these ethical duties have to do with legal technology and social media? More than in-house counsel may realize. Professional responsibility rules in most states require attorneys to stay up to date on relevant technology. More and more, in-house counsel cannot ethically represent companies without understanding how to leverage these technologies and how they impact a client’s day-to-day business. But what …
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Association of Corporate Counsel Annual Meeting
ACCAM17 – How much and where does AI fit within compliance and litigation?
“I am not in the business of predicting the future, but in the business of making the future,” said Khalid Al-Kofahi, vice president, Research and Development at Thomson Reuters, as part of a panel at the 2017 Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) annual meeting discussing artificial intelligence (AI) and its influence in the legal profession. …
- October 17, 2017
- Jeff McCoy
ACCAM17 Panel – The Emerging Law and Public Policy of Self-Driving Cars
Most of us have seen and maybe even envied the use of self-driving cars in movies or television shows ranging from the Batmobile in Batman, Herbie, I, Robot and K.I.T.T. from Knight Rider. At the 2017 Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Annual Meeting, one panel took a look the emerging laws and public policy surrounding …
- October 17, 2017
- Jeff McCoy
ACCAM17 Keynote – Blockchain: More Opportunity Than Digital Payments
As traditional models of success are evolving in nearly every sector of industry, Don Tapsoctt, CEO of the Tapscott Group, opened the 2017 Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC) Annual Meeting with a discussion centered on blockchain. Tapscott has authored more than 15 books including Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything, Paradigm Shift and his most …
- October 16, 2017
- Jeff McCoy