The nomination period is open for the 2024 William L. Norton, Jr. Judicial Excellence Award. This collaboration between the American Bankruptcy Institute (ABI) and Thomson Reuters recognizes distinguished bankruptcy judges for their service to the insolvency community. The award was created to honor the late bankruptcy judge and longtime West author William L. Norton, Jr.

This year marks the 19th presentation of the award. It will be presented at the National Conference of Bankruptcy Judges (NCBJ) annual meeting in Seattle on Sept. 18-20.

Recipients are nominated by their fellow judges and attorneys based on their record of service, achievements, and leadership throughout their career. A winner is selected by a committee of six bankruptcy attorneys. Recent winners have included bankruptcy judges Michael G. Williamson, Eugene R. Wedoff, Mary F. Walrath, Keith M. Lundin, and Harlin D. Hale.

Thomson Reuters will present a commemorative plaque to the recipient and donate $5,000 to the ABI Endowment for Education in the recipient’s name.

To nominate a judge, click here. Submissions are due July 15, 2024.

This post was written by Arin Berkson, senior attorney editor at Thomson Reuters.

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