ILTACON Day 4 Highlight: A Shift In Attitudes Toward Generative AI

Valerie McConnell, senior director, CoCounsel, Thomson Reuters, was a panelist at the Aug. 14 ILTACON session, “How Today’s Lawyers Are Enhancing Their Practice with AI.”
She shared takeaways from the panel and the conference on the Thomson Reuters Innovation Blog, noting “One of the most surprising and encouraging moments at ILTACON was seeing the shift in attitudes toward generative AI. Where there was once skepticism and anxiety, I now see a growing acceptance and even enthusiasm. The concerns that previously dominated discussions – like the potential impact on the billable hour – seem to have softened. Instead, there’s a growing recognition that generative AI is not just a disruptive force but a transformative tool that can enhance legal practice.”
Read more of McConnell’s insights on the Innovation Blog, and check out additional ILTACON highlights, including the launch of CoCounsel 2.0. The Innovation Blog features product news, leader insights, and customer perspectives on how Thomson Reuters is paving the way for the future of professionals.